AB 2840 (Reyes) the bill that would create a de facto ban on most new warehouse projects passed Assembly Appropriations Committee on Wednesday, May 11th, with a partisan vote and will be heading to the Assembly Floor.

In the plainest language, AB 2840 attempts to stop the building of any facility 100,000 s.f. or more within 1,000 ft of a “sensitive receptor,” which has a broad definition but is basically most non-industrial uses. Additionally, all projects that are not banned due to proximity to a sensitive receptor must have a skilled and trained workforce agreement to be approved.

Even if your company doesn’t build/own these types of facilities, the precedent set by this bill will have a huge impact on all commercial real estate projects in the future.

ACTION: Please contact your local Assemblymembers to talk to them about our concerns with AB 2840. To find your local representative, click here. To stop the bill on the Floor we need to hold ALL Republicans and get 18 Democrats to either not vote or vote against the bill.  We are getting a very good response from the Republican caucus members we have spoken with, so are asking that you direct efforts to Democrats that are on on this list. Specifically the following from the Bay Area:

Matt Haney – District 17 (San Francisco) P: 916-319-2017
Kevin Mulin – District 22 (San Mateo) P: 916-319-2022
Marc Berman – District 24 (Palo Alto) P: 916-319-2024

Download the AB 2840 (Reyes) Fact Sheet HERE.

In addition to creating new statewide construction buffers in statute, the bill continues to mandate skilled & trained workforce requirements on all warehouse projects 100K s.f. and greater, circumvents local land uses processes, and ignores the nation’s strongest environmental laws.

NAIOP’s state lobbyist and the team at CBPA continues to work with coalition partners, as seen on this formal opposition letter, to make sure the severity of the negative impacts this bill is communicated directly to legislators.

AB 2840 will disrupt California’s ability to move goods effectively and efficiently; will stop local economic development and redevelopment projects; and will kill high wage jobs in areas where they are needed most.

Contact your local Assemblymember and ask them to OPPOSE AB 2840!